Monday, March 15, 2010

Week in Review

This past week was pretty busy. Let's recap...with bulleted points! Who doesn't love bulleted points? :)

*About two weeks ago we had a really big windstorm (dubbed a snowicane by the news). We had winds up to 70 mph. We woke up in the morning and saw this:

That tree had taken down the swing set my dad made and did quite a bit of damage to our cars. My car had $3,000 of damage. Thank goodness for insurance! The gave me one of these as a rental:

That would be a brand new Cadillac SRX. I told them to take their time fixing my car. So I've been driving that car all week.

*On Monday I was on my way home from work and got a phone call from my dad telling me that my mom was in the hospital because of her myasthenia gravis. She had had the drooping eyes and double vision, but this week it flared up and she was having trouble swallowing, talking and breathing. I was really far away from the hospital they were at, so they told me not to come. I was pretty concerned, but after I prayed and committed her to the Lord, I went home and used my nervous energy to organize and clean out the whole refrigerator. It's what I do. Mom was in the hospital until Thursday afternoon. She is doing better, but still gets tired really easily.

*This past week at work I was organizing things at work and came across the WB Mason catalog. It reminded me of my old Open Court Language Arts curriculum I used while teaching and made me miss teaching SOOOO much. I REALLY need to be a teacher again soon!

*The theme of this past weekend was Robert Pattinson...not intentionally. HA! I have been reading the Harry Potter books (as I can around my Master's work...ugh). I finished Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, so my family watched the movie on Friday night and RPattz played Cedric Diggory.

Then my friend, Angela, and I went to the movies and saw Remember Me this weekend...and there he was again! Ha ha!
It was so fun to go to the movies this weekend. I was always going out and doing things all the time when I lived in Ohio, but haven't so much since I moved to New Hampshire. I miss it and need to do more things like this more often. The rest of the weekend consisted of Master's work. Fun!

*I have decided since I have just begun my last year in my 20's (yikes!) I want to start my 30's strong. I've also had a really rough year and want to make some changes. SOOOOOO... goal #1: Spend time in God's word every day. This should be a given, but it's been a struggle for me this year, so this is my goal for this week. When I am consistently in God's word it makes such a difference in EVERYTHING. I got a new Bible for my birthday, the Inductive Study Bible, so I'm excited about diving in and studying! I'll update next week and see how I'm doing.

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